Frequently Asked Questions

Who can be an affiliate to the AT Parenting Community?
Anyone! We would love you to spread the word and share the community with other parents who might need it.
How much will I earn?
You will earn 25% on any transaction that occurred through your affiliate link and you will continue to earn that 25% commission monthly for as long as the person remains an active member. So, for example - if you send 5 people to the community and they subscribe to a pro membership at $104 a month. You will earn $26 on each commission and will get $104 each month. You get paid 30 days after a member remains active, to ensure the member does not request a refund during the 30 day refund period. So your payments are always for the prior month’s activity.
When do I get paid?
Payments for the previous month’s commissions go out on the 1st of each month. You will not earn a commission on members referred until the 30 day refund policy has passed. For example, if you referred a parent on the 5th of June, that commission would not be paid out on July 1st with the rest of your commission payments, as it has not been a full 30 days. You would start getting payments for that commission on August 1st.
When a member joins do I get paid every month they remain in the community?
Yes! You earn 25% every month the member remains in the community. For example, if a person clicks on your affiliate link and subscribes to a Pro membership for $104, you will receive $26 after the 30 day refund period has passed. Thereafter you will receive $26 days every 30 days until the member cancels their membership.
What happens if a member requests a refund in the first 30 days?
You will not be paid a commission until the 30 day refund period has passed. If someone you referred asks for a refund in the first 30 days, you will not be paid that commission.
What happens when a member I referred cancels?
When a member you referred cancels, you no longer receive the monthly commission. If the member asks for a refund in the first 30 days, you do not receive a commission for that referral. If the member downgrades to a different membership status, you will receive a 25% commission on the new membership rate.
Help? Why did my commission decrease on a member?
If a member downgrades their membership, your 25% commission will decrease as well. If you have a question about a particular member, feel free to contact us with any questions.
Can I create my own ads or images to promote the AT Parenting Community?
Yes you can, however you will have to submit it for approval prior to using it. Use of your own images/ads without prior approval can result in removal from the affiliate program. Please use the contact form in the affiliate dashboard.
Can I do a special promotion for the membership site?
Absolutely! We would be more than happy to support any marketing efforts. Feel free to reach out to schedule Natasha for a Facebook Live on your page or group. She can also write guest articles and do guest interviews to help you spread the word.
Can I request a custom Ad or banner be made?
Yes, if you don’t see an ad that speaks to you in our banner section, feel free to contact us with your design needs. We would be more than happy to create an ad or banner that speaks directly to your audience and their needs.